Under God the People Rule

Under God the People Rule

Client: TeenPact South Dakota

Year: 2023

For the second year I was asked to submit artwork to be considered for TeenPact South Dakota’s annual t-shirt design. This year, they wanted to incorporate South Dakota’s state slogan “Under God the People Rule”. This design was selected as the winner and was subsequently produced for students and staff at their 2023 government learning event for youths.

15 Years in 605 *

15 Years in 605 *

Client: TeenPact South Dakota

Year: 2022

TeenPact South Dakota saw my artwork through this website and asked that I submit some ideas for their 15th anniversary t-shirts. After sending three ideas, this concept was chosen as the winner and was used for their 2022 government learning event for youths.


Kindness is Convincing